- Only official delegates to the 10th IYD and MDG Summit are entitled to join including teachers and coaches.
- Official delegates must indicate in their Confirmation Form that they are joining the contest on or before August 1, 2009 to prepare the list of contestants.
- For Inquiries: Please contact Prof. Bert Tuga, 09196353381 or send an email to: berttuga@yahoo.com
- Final confirmation of your participation as official contestants in any competition will be sent to your email.
- Prizes includes medals, cash and certificate of participation and recognition.
Extemporaneous Speech
Mechanics and Rules of the Contest:
1. The topic shall be given on the spot by the judges.
2. The contestants shall be given 10 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to deliver.
3. The style of the delivery shall be conversational, oratorical or a combination of both
4. The contestant should not wear his/her school uniform.
5. Use of sound effects, microphones and props is strictly prohibited..
6. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable.
Criteria for Judging:
1. Content, clear organization..40%
2. Delivery…...20%
3. Pronunciation, enunciation, diction…..20%
4. Stage presence ( eye contact, poise, personality )……..20%
Quiz Bowl
( International Affairs, UN Declarations, UN MDGs, International Law and Current Events)
Summary of Rules- Quiz Bowl Contest:
1. Questions shall be prepared solely by the UNAP Board members.
2. Each school/organization is entitled to three contestants composing a team, who are bona fide students of the college/university. One official alternate will be allowed.
3. Contestants will answer the same set of questions in writing. Before a question is read, the contestants must raise their right hand. Each team will be provided with an illustration board, chalk and eraser.
4. The questions will be read twice by the Quizmaster. After the second reading, the Quizmaster shall say “go” - only then will the team be allowed to write the answer. Automatically, the 10-second time limit will begin with the word “go” by the Quizmaster. If the question requires enumeration, the time limit will be extended to five ( 5) more seconds.
5. After the time limit, a buzzer will sound: the team should stop writing and raise their right hand.
6. The proctors will go around and check the answer of the teams. There will be fifteen proctors—one proctor for each team will be provided to ensure correctness of the answer.
7. The contest has two (2) rounds. Level I and Level II. In Level I, twenty questions will be asked. Each question is worth one (1) point. After asking twenty (20) questions, the Quizmaster announces the top five (5) teams who will advance to Level II. If there is a tie for the fifth place, both will advance to the next level.
8. Twenty (20) questions will be asked in the second round, but this time, two (2) points will be assigned for each correct answer.
9. After the 20th question, the three (3) teams getting the highest score in Level I and II will be declared Champion. 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up. Since there are only three (3) places, should there be a tie, extra questions will be asked by the quizmaster in order to break such.
10. The duly registered teacher-coach of the team is the only person authorized to make a protest. All protest should be referred to the Board of Judges immediately before the Quizmaster reads the next question.
On-the-Spot Painting
Mechanics and Rules of the Contest:
1. The painting must be based on the 10th IYD theme.
2. The competition is open to bona fide college students
3. Only one participant per region is allowed in this category
4. The contestant must bring his/her own painting brushes. Any kind of brush will be allowed. He/she can also bring rulers and pencils.
5. The contestant will use acrylic-based paint. ( Bring own paint ). Only the three primary colors (Red, Blue, and Yellow ) and two neutral colors ( Black and White ) shall be allowed.
6. Mixing of colors is allowed.
7. The contestants will use one-fourth ( 1/4 ) illustration board. Contestants will bring their own illustration board.
8. Duration time is within three ( 3 ) hours.
9. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestants shall appear in the entry.
10. Judges decision is final and irrevocable.
Criteria for Judging:
1. Originality— 30%
2. Creativity—30%
3. Workmanship Quality—30%
(Use of medium and Composition)
4. Over-All Visual Impact—10%
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